Space Programme 2011

February 3d 2011. It was the middle of the night when I received the message. I was invited onto the SPACE Programme 2011. While jumping a hole in the air I wondered where I'd left my space suit.

The Space Programme offers artists of all disciplines an opportunity to collaborate, experiment and innovate in an inspiring environment. The project takes place over a two-week period at Castletown House Co. Kildare, it is an open ended process hosted by The Performance Corporation. The programme facilitates artists from diverse backgrounds to collaborate and explore their artistic process while removing the pressure to come up with an end product.

This weblog gives an insight in my thoughts and working process during the Space Programme and tells about some projects that came out of this wonderful opportunity.

maandag 21 maart 2011

Trying to be a mountain

I don’t know where to start. At the startingpoint? That makes sense. But not in this case. My startingpoint is today, which is just over two weeks since the Space Programme started. I’m looking back at a project where for once I was really in the moment. Maybe it makes more sense not to talk about it. But if I don’t I’m afraid I’ll forget. That’s probably why I transported myself to a house opposite a mountain. The mountain has been there for ages. When I look at it I feel at ease. It is the extreme opposite of what happened the last two weeks. I’m standing still and the mountain moves. Of course I don’t mean the mountain itself but the image of the mountain. My perception of the mountain. It is different every moment. It turns from grey to brown to orange to black to golden. It is covered in clouds or impressively naked. It is threatening or beautiful or comforting. Sometimes everything at the same time.
I rented a bike to explore the island. When I’m on my bike - a Giant - I don’t think. When I’m on my bike I’m the mountain. Everything changes around me, I change colours and texture and my surface becomes wet or shiny or dusty. The island stares at me. I try not to stare back but sometimes I can’t resist. Especially when there are mountains in sight.